What is Your Creator Type?
Break the cycle of limiting default patterns.
Unleash your flow, creativity, and momentum.
Join this 2-part class on July 10 & 17
11 a.m. Mountain / 1 p.m. Eastern / 6 p.m. London

In this 2-part class, you will:

  • Learn how to strategically create momentum without unconsciously holding yourself back by identifying your default creator type.

  • Understand your brain and nervous system so you can move beyond perfectionism, procrastination, and self-sabotage.

  • Unleash creativity and expand your self-belief by examining your protective beliefs with curiosity and compassion vs. self-judgment and shame.

  • Understand how trauma responses and nervous system dysregulation can appear in your business and how to navigate it.

  • Create confidence and momentum through little wins by experimenting with compassionate accountability.

  • Deepen your true and aligned desires to detach from hype, hustle, and burnout and create what really matters to you.

What are the Creator Types?

Since 2020, I have studied trauma-informed practices, the brain, and the nervous system in depth. 

Over the last 16 years running my business, I've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of private clients and thousands of participants in my courses. 

I have observed four core distinct default patterns people utilize (myself included) when things get hard or uncomfortable. 

I call these four patterns the default CREATOR TYPES, which correlate with the four core trauma responses in the nervous system when people don't feel safe (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn). 

There is nothing wrong with these default creator types (trauma responses). It's a very normal and necessary thing that happens.

The key is that when we get stuck in one of these patterns without recognizing what's really going on, it can be incredibly disheartening, frustrating, and debilitating. 

Why does understanding your default Creator Type matter?

Each default creator type has advantages and a shadow side. 

When you leverage the advantages and recognize when you're stuck in the shadow side, you have a radically different approach to changing behaviors, patterns, and beliefs.

You access and lead with your Inspired Creator when these four default creator types are integrated and balanced

What is available when you are in your Inspired Creator Zone?


You stop forcing things to happen and allow things to happen. You honor rest.


Do work you love and find joy in your everyday life.

Money Peace

You trust your ability to create money and expand your ability to receive.


You have ideas that light you up + the energy to take action.


You follow through on your ideas and see real results without overworking or burning out.

Growth Mindset

You see possibilities and solutions rather than feeling stuck in fear or hopelessness.

How We Have Been Conditioned to Blame Instead of Accept Ourselves

Chances are, you've been taught to:

"Just work harder" to overcome obstacles in your business. 

==> If that doesn't work, you must have a "money mindset" problem. 

==> If that doesn't work, conveniently, there is an influencer coach with sexy 6-figure promises and a "proven" formula to success. 

Why these things don't work: Survival = Safety

You have decades of brilliant coping strategies that helped you survive. 

Now that you have more awareness, goals, and tools, those old strategies work against what you want in your life.

Even when your logical mind knows better, and you've done loads of healing for decades. (ask me how I know)

You can't override an activated nervous system that doesn't feel safe to create change no matter how hard you work.

Creating change requires something different.

Learning about what is really going on within your nervous system will help you more than overworking, falling for another proven formula, or fixing your "mindset." 

Why? Because you are not broken or flawed. You are not a procrastinator. You don't lack motivation. 

You've just had incomplete tools to support what you need to thrive.

This can be hard to believe if you're in a rut in your business (or in your life). But it's true.

Your default Creator Type is a path forward—

It is not a flaw or problem to be fixed.

Everything changes when you stop thinking of yourself as a problem to be fixed or constantly improved.

But our conditioning tells us that WE are the problem instead of pointing to the systems designed to prevent us from thriving. 

(Systems like capitalism, patriarchy, sexism, diet culture, racism, homophobia, and more.)

Step 1: Learn

Learn about your default Creator Type. 

Bringing compassion and curiosity to your default patterns is what allows you to create new patterns, habits, thoughts, and beliefs.

Step 2: Support

Every default Creator Type has needs. When those needs are met, you can work with the advantages of your default type and embody your Inspired Creator.

Step 3: Create

This program is not a quick fix or promise for overnight change. 

It's a foundation that supports your ongoing inner work of building self-trust and self-compassion.


Live Class Dates

July 10 and 17 

11 a.m. Mountain / 1 p.m. Eastern / 6 p.m. London

Call length: 75 minutes | 60 minutes of training & workshop + 15 minutes of Q&A and laser coaching

What's Included

  • Live calls + recordings you can access 24/7
  • Workbook (PDF)
  • Q&A and laser coaching for the last 15 minutes of each live class


$127 USD

Meet Your Host

Hi, I'm Angela Johnson, your guide for this class. 

After studying trauma and its impact on entrepreneurs, I connected the dots to patterns I've seen with my clients (and myself) over the past 16+ years of being a full-time coach and consultant. 

Whether or not you identify with having trauma, understanding the way your brain and nervous system work will enhance not just your business but every area of your life. 

Knowing your default Creator Type will give you clues about your strengths and where you may be holding yourself back for the sake of self-protection. 

I bring with me 16+ years of business training, higher ed, IRB-approved research about trauma, parts working training, and more. 

I can't wait to share more with you in this class. 

Questions? Reach out to hello@angelamjohnson.com.

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What is Your Creator Type? (2-part class)$127

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