Bro Marketing, a.k.a. toxic, coercive, high-pressure, gimmicky, manipulative...

"Bro marketing" has nothing to do with gender or who uses it. 

It describes a marketing approach that often employs aggressive, in-your-face tactics typically associated with toxic, high-energy, and sometimes ethically questionable strategies.

This style focuses on creating a sense of urgency, leveraging social proof, and often using bold, provocative language to compel the buyer's immediate action or emotional response.

These strategies are all too common in the online business world. 

When we change our marketing approach, we reflect the kind of world we envision
- where everyone is heard, seen, and valued.

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Understanding the 7 Bro Marketing Principles
Benefits You in Two Primary Ways:

Be an Empowered Consumer

Don't get caught up in saying yes to gimmicky or high-pressure sales; only purchase what you truly need and want.

Be a Values-Aligned Business Owner

Have specific strategies to share your purpose-filled message with confidence and clarity.

After this training, you will be able to:

  • Debunk the seven principles bro marketers use and what to do instead.
  • See the subtle ways bro messaging and marketing strategies can sneak into your business.
  • Cut through the hype and hustle bull$hit so you don’t get sucked in as a consumer or as a business owner.
  • Incorporate the same values in your messaging and marketing to reflect the kind of world you want to live in.

*During the call, I briefly mention a couple of resources for deeper learning, like my WORD and Intuitive Marketing Method program.

The workbook includes:

  • The 7 bro-marketing principles, including examples and what to do instead. 
  • A play-by-play dissection of a typical bro marketing email highlighting the strategies used + the email re-written without those strategies
  • Tips to work with your nervous system to make aligned purchasing decisions as a consumer
  • Visibility tips if your capacity ebbs and flows (for us neurodivergent folks) or if visibility hasn't been your superpower (yet).
  • 1-page overview of my WORD and Intuitive Marketing Method program for those interested

Get the class and workbook for $27

This Class Will Help You Solve These Three Common Challenges:

Challenge #1:
The Chicken or the Egg

Your message is the words you use, and your marketing is how you share those words. Many people focus on marketing but don’t have a core message for their business or offers that get their ideal clients to pay attention and buy. 

Solution: Craft your authentic message first, then use it to fuel your marketing.

Challenge #2:
Gimmicky Messaging is Gross 

If how you have been taught to craft your message and market feels gross, it is because it is gross. 

Solution: Understand the principles that bro- and boss-babe marketers use so you can empower yourself as a consumer and as a business owner.

Challenge #3:
Where Do I Start?

How do I get everything I do into a clear, concise message without being salesy? How do I say things that still sound like me without being generic? 

Solution: Trust yourself that you have the words within you. Break up with old-school advice that says you must have a slick elevator pitch and big promises in your message.

Get the class and workbook for $27

Debunk These Myths Once and For All

To get noticed, you need to be bold and loud. 


You can be introverted, empathic, neurodivergent, or an HSP (highly sensitive person) and share your message in a way that works for


But... bro-marketing and all of that stuff works (even if it feels a bit slimy).

Strategies that don't honor the business owner + the customer + reflect how we want people to be treated are not working. There is another way that gets results. 


If you're not making sales, you need to hustle harder. 

You can leverage your unique strengths, honor your capacity, and nourish your nervous system without missing out on sales or growth. It starts with a clear and concise core message.

Meet Your Guide: Angela Johnson

I'm Angela Johnson, a trauma-informed messaging and marketing strategist with 20 years of experience helping service-based business owners make an impact without sacrificing their profits, purpose, or joy.

I've been a full-time business owner since 2008. I've written thousands of pieces of content for clients, including sales pages, blogs, emails, social media posts, brochures, keynote talks, and more. 

In 2017, I developed Word and the Intuitive Marketing Method, which I taught to hundreds (maybe thousands) of students. As I've evolved, I've updated these two signature programs several times. 

Why I'm passionate about this work:
From 2008 to 2012, I invested over $250,000 in coaches, programs, and event sponsorships, mostly spent on poor-quality coaches and programs that oversold and under-delivered. 

Since then, I've invested more time and money in other programs, including a Master of Professional Communication (2023). Over the last several years, I discovered amazing mentors like Beth Grant, Kelly Diels, Andrea J. Lee, Trudi Lebron, Katie Kurtz, and more.

  • How do I get access?
    Once you register, you will receive your login information so you can access the recording and workbook instantly.
  • What do you mean by bro marketing? Or boss-babe marketing?
    Bro marketing is a term for online marketers who promote hustling and hype as THE way to grow a business. Boss-babe is the same thing.

    It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the toxic strategies that are so often mainstream. These strategically manipulative and exploitative strategies frequently deliver no value or real results.

    Simply said, it's toxic messaging and marketing designed to help the business owner make money in any way possible.
  • Why are there seven principles?
    I've studied messaging and marketing for over 20 years. When I discovered the world of coaching in 2008, I got sucked into the high-ticket, hype-filled coaching world and became the poster child for "six-figures."

    Then I burnt out. My health suffered. My marriage suffered. I cut off my spiritual connection and intuition. I burned down my business.

    In 2015, my eyes were opened to what was really happening, and since then, I've been on a mission to share strategies that work without being manipulative.

    Two primary mentors (Beth Grant and Kelly Diels) influenced this work in addition to working with hundreds of clients since 2008, a master's degree in Professional Communication, and two decades of working with business owners in their messaging and marketing.

    One of my superpowers is noticing patterns, connecting the dots, and breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand and pragmatic tools. I've collected everything I've learned and put it together so you can learn the basics and solutions in an hour.
  • What makes you an expert?
    I've been a full-time business owner since 2008.

    I've written thousands of pieces of content for clients, including sales pages, blogs, emails, social media posts, brochures, keynote talks, and more.

    In 2017, I developed Word and the Intuitive Marketing Method, which I taught to hundreds (maybe thousands) of students. As I've evolved, I've updated these two signature programs several times.

    From 2008 to 2012, I invested over $250,000 in coaches, programs, and event sponsorships, most of which was spent on poor-quality coaches and programs that oversold and under-delivered.

    Since then, I've invested more time and money in other programs, including a Master of Professional Communication (2023). Over the last several years, I discovered amazing mentors like Beth Grant, Kelly Diels, Andrea J. Lee, Trudi Lebron, and more.
Get the class and workbook for $27 



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Bro Marketing Myth$27

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